The American Academy of Professional Coders, or AAPC (there website, has been in place since 1988 to provide professional certification through education to medical coders and to upgrade the standards of medical coding by providing training, certification and job opportunities as well as net working. The AAPC boasts a membership of more than 100,000 worldwide and more than 64,000 of those members are certified.
The AAPC medical billing program is an entry level study course geared to providing the latest and up to date information related to third-party billing and Medicare. Specifics about the health insurance industry and the proper reimbursement methods for claim submission are the main focus for the student. Completion of the program will prepare the student to work as a medical biller in a Doctor’s office or similar healthcare facility.
Medical Billing Home Study Class
The AAPC medical billing home study class provides the student with a workbook and text book, audio lectures contained on 16 modules, and each contain a review test and final exam. The student who completes the program successfully is awarded a Certificate of Completion. The program is also approved for 40 Continuing Education Credits, CEU’s, for certified AAPC members.
The program must be completed within a fourth month time frame. Extra time can be purchased for a small fee per month. AAPC will not grant credit and reduce the number of study hours for previous training or education. The completion of the program also qualifies for college credit at the University of Phoenix.
The prerequisite for the AAPC medical billing class is medical and anatomy terminology. The program is an at home/online study course and can be completed at the students own pace, but must be completed within 4 months of the date of purchase of the program. The student may login to the course at any time.
There is no classroom attendance, and the study schedule is entirely up to the student, however, if one module per week is completed, the program will be completed within the required time frame. Students have the option to email questions regarding the course content to the AAPC coaching staff. Students must achieve a grade of least 70% to pass the course.
Find Employment As A Medical Coder Today
Anyone who successfully completes the AAPC medical billing program can expect to find employment in medical related facilities, as well as, insurance companies. The working hours are usually 40 hours a week with some available overtime. Insurance companies sometimes often over night or late hour shift opportunities. Depending on the employer, medical billers can sometimes work from home.
Medical billing and coding continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in health care. The government and insurance companies are making an effort to research and control claims, abusive practices and fraud and medical necessity issues.
As a result, doctors, insurance companies, hospitals and pharmacies are hiring more medical billers to keep up with the work load as a result of changes in the health care industry. There are no set standards for educational requirements in medical billing. Certification is not mandatory but is highly recommended.